Shinmura practised judo for 12 years in Japan before moving to Regina in 1977 and being asked by the city to start his own dojo, the Seidokan Judo Club, which operated until 1998. He was head sensei from 1998-2016 at the Regina Y Judo Club and also formed the Avonhurst Judo Club in 2000.
.he provincial senior champion from 1976-82, he was awarded his Godan (fifth degree black belt) in 2012. Also served as a national A-level referee, led the officials’ development committee, was a member of the Judo Saskatchewan grading board and a certified coach for 39 years, teaching top-level athletes like Kim Bergey Kaip, Kalem Kachur, Paul Yuen and Janna Pratt. Many of his students have become coaches, including a group intending to open a club named in his honour.
Conducted self-defence classes and judo demonstrations throughout Regina, earning the inaugural Award for Long-term Dedication to Judo in 2016
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